
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Some more stuff on Fall

As we say hello to the new sensations of fall I am getting more and more excited. Life around here always changes and comes out a little smoother than it was at the beginning of the school year. All of our school is finally a little more settled, and  we can go through it without asking mom so many questions. Trust me she gets a lot of them!

Something that always fascinates me is the colors. Not just the colors of the leaves, but the colors on everything: clothing, mugs, leaves, pumpkins, skies, and other browns and orange-ish things!

One thing we like to do for fall decorations is to dip pretty leaves into to clear wax. They stay good for 2-3 weeks and make a very sweet but fall like decoration!

Bread....mmmmmm, one of the best snacks with Chai Tea or cocoa!

I know everybody has a favorite thing about fall and I'd love to hear them!

Comment :)
From our pumpkin field!
 From our apple orchard

 Lindsay and our old kitty (cat) Zeke
 My pretty mom
 Me :)
 Sophia and her pretty blue eyes!
 Hannah and Lindsay sitting by the harvest
 My family, minus me, I was taking the photo
 My pretty sisters
 Mom and Sophia

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some cute kids :)

These are just a few of the cutest kids I know! Especially the little one below. Shes got the prettiest smile and such happy eyes!

 This is Titus, and let me tell you...he has some of the most beautiful eyes!

 Sophia, and Anna best bud princess cousins, there so cute!

 And the cutest....


Oh well, a little off topic buy hey, there pretty!

Friday, September 16, 2011

My little Sophia :)

So my blogger break was a very long one....a little longer than expected! I guess it was because blogging became more of a task that just a relaxing, fun, story of my life! So today was just the funnest (don't mock me of my bad grammar) day ever. It was wet, dreary, and very, very cold. Exactly how I like it. :) I like to call it the beginning of a Wisconsin fall!

Today I drank two cups of hot cocoa and am drinking my third! It is so yummy :) Fall is my favorite season, but then again it is almost everybody's! I love the excitement of winter arising in your heart! I love the temperature, and the leaves. I love the smell, and the all the drinks! There's tea, hot cocoa, apple cider, friendship tea and so many more! The celebratory of carving pumpkins, the music, the cold grass against your bare feet. Oh, I could go on, and on, and on but it would get just way to detailed!

Here's a whole of bunch pictures for you to get a little more updated on how my summer was. I hope you summer was great!

Most of the pictures are of my little, adorable, sweet, bubbly Sophia! I love my little sister to death! She has such an impact on my life and I don't know what I do without her.  Sometimes I might yell at her, or get mad at her, but hey don't we all have our days?
 Sophia is so cute in that picture...I look terrible : D

 I just love the lighting in this pic!

 Ant!!! :)
 Look closely and you can see the dew drips!
 Little Luther (2 yrs. old)  attacking the water! 
The blue eyes cousins buddies!

What was your summer like?
